It looks like spring has arrived in the Ozarks at least the weatherman is saying it is going to warm up this weekend. Looking at the COE report for this AM. it looks like they have caught the water and its holding steady. According to their 3 day report they are running 14000 cfs. going to 21000 cfs tomorrow. I know there is still lots of water coming down the Missouri and Mississippi from the north so we could be in for a few more set backs but at least for now we are not rising. The water clarity is not bad and right now I am seeing very little drift. With the cooler temps we had early this week the water temp backed up a little but warmer weather is forecast for the rest of the week so it should start rising again.
There have been a few red mushrooms found this week, vary few but that's a start. The woods are still brown with no under growth greening up at all yet but with the rain and a couple warm days that will all change. I''m thinking turkey season will produce lots of turkey and mushrooms which opens on the 15th. The youth hunt is this weekend so good luck to all the young hunters. There is lots of gobbling right about sunrise but they quiet down when they hit the ground. I have seen the groups starting to break up so its getting close.
WATER TEMP: 48 deg.
WATER CLARITY: Heavy stain with it being muddy way up the rivers.
CRAPPIE: The crappie are still doing the same thing as last week. The mouths of the coves in 20' fishing jigs or minnows down 8' to 10'. With some warm weather I look for the males to start moving in soon. When the water temp hits about 55 deg things should start happening. Hopefully this will be like every other year with fish being on the nests by the 20th.
BASS: The bass fishing on Truman is tough right now. There are a few fish being caught out of the backs of the creeks slow rolling spinner baits. Rogues off the main lake points around the cedars in 20' of water down about 8' will also produce a few. you have to wait about a 10 count between twitches if not more. These fish are not real aggressive yet.
WHITES: No report.
CATFISH: The cat fishing is still ok. Jugs fished off the edge of the flats close to the channels is starting. The problem is finding bait right now. Cut bait is working on blues and channels. 20' of water with baits close to the bottom is best. Trot lines in the backs of the coves along the bluff bank ib 20' is also working with baits fished right off the bottom. With the COE running water this should get the cats all fired up.
WALLEYE: No report. Right now there is to much color in the water.
So with that we are open and ready to go. We are full right now on seasonal stalls but are taking reservations for nightly stalls. You can contact us at Osage Bluff Marina 660.488-2939. For room reservations you cad reach the motel at 660-438-2939. We also have the club house for large groups and meeting that can be reserved through the motel at 660-438-2939.
That's it for this week.
Till next week